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As a Middle School Family, we are committed to serving the individual needs of your child.



Our Middle School consists of grades 6, 7, and 8. Students move between classes more frequently as they prepare for high school, learning the time and space management skills necessary to succeed as they grow. Sixth graders have a special reading/study skills class focused on academic and life skills to help equip them as their classes grow more rigorous.


Bible classes in middle school cover the Life of Christ, Judges, and Acts. Students attend chapel jointly with the high school students once a week for worship and to hear God’s Word. Weekly Chapel is taught by various local youth pastors, guest speakers, and special student-led chapels.


Beginning in 6th grade, students are placed on teams of mixed grades that go and serve at a local food bank twice a month. This is one way we point students to our vision of “seeing students excel in serving God and others” and to show the love of Christ in our city.




The classroom ratio is one that allows a caring and personal relationship with every student. GCS teachers have the opportunity to really get to know and care for their students. Class projects, programs, and trips are an integral part of the overall education which is partnered with the teachings of Christ in an atmosphere that enhances the educational experience.



Above and beyond the day to day tasks and teaching that occur at GCS, we are a Christian School where the core of our ministry revolves around our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Perhaps that is why we all feel like a family…because we truly ARE a family of believers.

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